
Sunday, 4 October 2015



Many people agree with exams, whereas other disagree. For example there are pupils that are responsable and accept exams. However, there are pupils that aren't responsable and don't accept them. Some people think that exams are good and it is the way to learn, but some people think that exams are bad and there are other ways to learn, for example with works.

On the one hand, exams are good, because it is the way to learn and express the subject topic. the responsable pupils want the exams because they go to school to learn. The exams question the pupils things about the subject, and it's a good way to learn.

On the other hand, the exams are bad because they create a lot of nervous, stress, impatience... Most pupils think that the works, the oral exams, the participation in class, the actitude, the homework are a good way to qualificate and evaluate the exams. Because most of the pupils don't control the stress and do bad in exams.

In my opinion, I abolish exams because I don't control my stress and then I fail them. This topic is very important nowadays into the pupils because most of them fail the exams for stress

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