
Saturday 27 February 2016


Police officer: Would you be able to reconize the woman again?
Me: Yes, of course! I remember her perfectly! That's an image I will never forget, it's the ferts time I have seen a crime... I saw the woman with all her details, she was next to me.
Police officer: If you remember her so perfectly our work will be easier: we will able to recognize her with your acurate description. Can you begin with her face?
Me: Yes, I can remember se was wearing a pair of glasses of those which seem realy old fashion, with that wide glass. Her eyes were small (maybe due to the glass of the glasses) and blue. Her eyebrows were so thin and grey as her short and curly grey hair. Her nose had a normal size, it wasn't neither small. She had a big mouth with thin lips, which were painted in a hard purple: this was a ditintive fact about her. That's all about her face, sir.
Police officer: What a perfect description, Mrs! Would you mind describing her general appearance?
Me: She appeared being on her sixties and she was very elegant: she was wearing a white hat and two pearls as earings, as well as colliar made of these ones. I don't remember at all how tall she was, but she was more or less as me, a metter sixty more or less.What I am sure of is her weight: she was quiet fat, I can't help thinking how she run couls as he did being like that! 
Police officer: Brilliant! The information you have given us will be very useful to solve the crime. To finish with the physical description, would you be able to describe the clothes she was wearing?
Me: That will be quite difficult, sir... I pull all my attention on her face... But I can remember she was wearing black or dark clothes. 
Police officer: Well, that will be enough, thank you! And you'd like to remark any treat of her personality? 
Me: Well, I haven't spoken to her and neither heard her speaking to someone else, but her acts were typical of a shy person. She acted as if she was relesead, and didn't attract the attention of the others. In fact, she was smiling and seemed to be sure of what she was doing.
Police officer: Perfect, that's all the information we needed about the suspect. Thank you very much, you've been very useful for us! And remember that always you need something or you're in trouble, you can come here and we'll try to help you as well as you help us!
Me: I'm so glad to have helped you, thank you so much! Good luck with this case!

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